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為答謝所有BYD電動車車主的支持,BYD將由2024年9月1日起與Cornerstone聯乘帶來多重禮遇 Cornerstone 旗下現有兩大品牌 – Cornerstone GO 及 Cornerstone HOME,分別針對須要日常在外充電的車主及希望在家自在充的車主提供尊享優惠,優惠金額高達$25,000 ,立即了解更多! Cornerstone GO 優惠*凡購買BYD電動車即送Cornerstone GO $3000 充電額新舊車主一律享有Cornerstone GO 85折充電優惠* Cornerstone HOME 過萬禮遇*免按金 (價值 $10,000)免基本安裝費 (價值 $6,000) 送3個月基本月費 (價值 $2,190) Cornerstone GO現時於港九新界已有過百...
DetailsIn 2023, BYD ranked first in the global market share of New Energy Vehicles.
We achieved an annual sales volume of 3 million vehicles in 2023, a significant improvement from 1.86 million in 2022, marking a historic leap in the global automotive industry. As a pioneer in the field of New Energy Vehicles, BYD proudly claimed the title of Global Sales Champion in 2023. We firmly believe that the future of the automotive industry will move towards a greener and more sustainable direction. BYD will continue to lead industry transformation and tirelessly strive to achieve the vision of green transportation. We look forward to even greater success in 2024 and making a greater contribution to the sustainable development of the global automotive industry.